Our services

Community and shared spaces

I work with community groups and volunteers to co-produce innovative nature-rich community-led spaces that are accessible to all. My many years of experience in social and healthcare offer a unique set of skills. I create spaces with full design and project management, enhance and develop existing spaces, or work with community groups to maintain and develop the gardens and environment together.

Garden design & build

Through the process of sharing ideas around form, colour, and style we will develop a planting scheme and layout including plant images and names to work alongside existing shrubs and trees that we agree to keep. The planting design would be developed considering your likes and interests, biodiversity and maintenance, with plants that will work well in your garden.

Wildlife ponds

I build and restore wildlife ponds of all sizes in a sensitive, environmentally friendly way that maximises opportunities for wildlife. They are built to include shallow pebble beaches, dragonfly perches, and hibernation zones. The pond includes habitat borders and a mosaic of different habitats including logs, stones and planting to encourage a diversity of species.

Wildlife gardens and habitats

I specialise in creating wildlife gardens, natural community spaces and wildlife ponds. Working in a sustainable way I develop habitats for nature through planting, water and natural materials to create beautiful spaces for people and nature

Planting Design

By working with you to understand your hopes, dreams, and practical considerations of your garden I will develop a garden layout design with concepts and visuals. I develop this to a scale drawing of the new garden to enable clarity of technical details for construction.

Talks & Workshops

I am a proficient speaker and workshop facilitator and love sharing my knowledge about wildlife gardening, ponds and my work. Do get in touch if you would like me to lead a workshop or give a talk.